Giving Them Our Best: Youth Mentoring Through Natural Supports
Join us at Alberta Mentoring Partnership’s 2023 Summit – Giving Them Our Best: Mentoring Youth Through Natural Supports! AMP believes in the transformational role of mentorship in the development and wellbeing of Alberta’s youth and communities. As educators, service providers, researchers, and youth, we all contribute towards healthy communities through Natural Supports—mutually beneficial relationships. Natural Supports are less formalized mentoring relationships that include close connections such as family and friends, and broader connections such as neighbours, teachers and coaches.
Young people in Alberta deserve every opportunity for positive lifelong development. Natural Supports are meant to activate the wider community of networks and supports around children and youth, to help them along their path to success, contributing to vibrant, thriving communities.
Join AMP in-person in Edmonton on October 19, 2023, to learn and experience how natural supports can complement your mentoring initiatives and the youth in your community.