This week is the conclusion of #MentoringMonth, but thanks to your contributions, many new mentors and mentees are starting a new relationship in a group or paired match– it’s just the beginning! Thank you for sharing your stories, hosting events, recruiting new volunteer mentors, and spread the word. Thank you to MENTOR – The National Mentoring Partnership and Big Brothers …
#MentoringMonth Week 4 🏤 Mentoring Makes the Difference…in Schools!
This January, as part of #mentoringmonth we are highlighting the importance and impact of mentoring in schools. We know according to 2016 Population Lab Research on Alberta youth, 81% of mentees said mentoring helped them stay in school. Through the simple act of spending time with children and youth, mentoring improves youth mental health, engagement, attendance, and success in and beyond school. Mentoring …
#MentoringMonth Week 3- Mentoring around the world!
We are now in the third week of #MentoringMonth and are very impressed by the fantastic stories and content you have shared! This week, we are profiling AMP program tools to inspire diverse types of mentoring such as for those in Indigenous, Refugee, Immigrant, or Newcomer populations. On January 17th, please join us in celebrating International Mentoring Day. This is …
START MENTORING – #MentoringMonth Week 2
This week the theme is START MENTORING! Last week you learned about how effective and impactful mentoring is across our lives. This week is focused on signing up as many new mentors as possible: Share our “Become a Mentor” page and challenge your friends, family and coworkers to take the first step towards a caring relationship with a young adult. …
Happy New Year! This year, we are celebrating the start of 2018 with our second annual #MENTORINGMONTH. Building on the great work done by MENTOR, the National Mentoring Partnership in the United States, and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada we are running a concurrent province-wide push to recruit more mentors and support youth mentoring programs! Read this toolkit for …