Mentoring in Schools

Mentoring Resources for Schools

Providing children with the right kinds of experiences at the right times is critical to their development. Alberta’s schools and community organizations can build strong brains and strong citizens by connecting children with well-trained mentors who can support them as they learn and grow. Mentoring is an invaluable service provided by caring schools and community organizations across Alberta.

At its most basic level, mentoring assures a young person that there are adults who care about them and can help them deal with day-to-day challenges.

The Alberta Mentoring Partnership is dedicated to the success of mentoring organizations and programs across the province. We offer tools and resources to help mentors contribute to children’s better health and well-being.

Teen mentoring in schools, includes teens mentoring youth or adults mentoring teens, which:

  • helps create connections
  • has been shown to increase academic achievement
  • supports positive mental health
  • decreases unhealthy behaviours in both the 'mentor' and 'mentee'
Framework for Building Mentoring Relationships in Schools

Looking to implement a mentoring program for students at your school? Use this toolkit to identify your desired mentoring program model, plan your formal mentoring program, and identify community resources to support your school initiative.


Download the Framework in French

Teen Mentoring Toolkit

This dynamic toolkit provides you with the preliminary resources needed to start your own Teen Mentoring program. The toolkit is intended to be a starting point and will supply you with the key elements needed to develop quality teen mentoring. The toolkit and its contents will need to be adapted to your specific school community and its unique strengths, challenges and values.

Visit the Online Toolkit
High School Teen Mentoring Handbook

High school students make great mentors to younger kids. Give them the right tools and training to help them interact with younger children in positive ways that promote healthy development. This handbook provides you with valuable information on how to be a mentor

  • building a positive relationship with your mentee
  • surprises and myths about mentoring
  • developing communication and listening skills
  • protecting the safety of your mentee

Download the Handbook in French

High School Teen Mentoring Activity Book

The High School Teen Mentoring Activity Book provides fun and engaging activities to assist mentees in discovering:

  • their interests and personal strengths
  • how they learn best
  • possible career pathways
  • learning after high school
  • how to set goals and start planning

Download the Activity Book in French

High School Teen Mentoring Bin Resources
The bin resources were designed by Alberta Advanced Education (2009) to supplement the High School Teen Mentoring Activity Book and provide additional materials.
Making Positive Connections

Learn the benefits of in-school mentoring and find tips and resources on starting your own in-school program.


Download Making Positive Connections in French

High School Completion Strategic Framework

We need to constantly look at, and reflect on, the barriers that impact student success and ultimate completion of high school. We need to understand the specific barriers, so we can decide on what needs to happen. This video highlights one of many projects underway in Alberta.

This video was designed to:

  • inspire thinking and conversation
  • increase dialogue regarding potential next steps in supporting student success.
Watch on YouTube
Creating Strength-Based Classrooms and Schools

Rather than focus on problem behaviours and risks, strength-based mentoring helps youth realize their strengths, identify and develop their leadership skills, and apply them in healthy, productive ways. Use this toolkit to strengthen in-school mentoring at the elementary or secondary levels, and help mentors look beyond problem behaviours to kids’ strengths and potential.


Mentoring Matters: School Mentoring for Grade 4-6 - Lesson Plan

Designed for teachers to use with their grades four to six classes, the lesson plan helps students discover the benefits of mentoring through group discussion and activities. The lesson plan meets the outcomes of Alberta Education’s Health and Life Skills Program.


Mentoring Matters: School Mentoring for Grade 8 - Lesson Plan

Designed for teachers to use with their grade eight classes, the lesson plan gives students an understanding of the positive impact of mentoring while preparing them to be mentors. The thee-part lesson introduces students to the concept of mentoring, trains students to be mentors, and gives them an opportunity to practice interacting with younger children. The lesson plan meets the outcomes of Alberta Education’s Health and Life Skills Program. Assist Alberta Education and Children and Youth Services to work together at the local level with the child/youth, their caregivers and other appropriate partners to share information and engage in joint decision-making to plan for and support school success for children and youth in care.

Success in School for Children and Youth in Care: Provincial Protocol Framework

This guide is a joint initiative between Alberta Education and Human Services to support improved school outcomes and high school completion rates for children and youth in provincial government care. Learn more about this initiative and find tips for educators and school administration to help kids succeed.

Download: Tips for Engaging with Young People

Download:Tips for Educators

Download:Tips for Youth Self advocacy

Download:Tips for Working Together


FASD Street

The AMP team worked with Danna Ormstrup and Brenda Feland from Danza Consulting Services to create a comprehensive roadmap about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Welcome to FASD street where each of the shops remind us of some of the challenges experienced by people with FASD.



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“We acknowledge that we are on and support Mentoring for Youth in the traditional territories across Alberta of the many First Nations from Treaty 6,7,& 8, the Métis of the 8 Alberta Settlements, and Inuit people whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries.”