This week is the end of #MentoringMonth, but for many, it’s just the beginning of a new mentoring journey. Here’s how you can keep in touch and step up your mentoring game all year long: If you are not already, consider a no-fee partnership in the AMP for your agency or school. Whether your organization provides mentoring services or has …
This week we are highlighting the importance of mentoring in schools. We know according to 2016 Population Lab Research on Alberta youth, 81% of mentees said mentoring helped them stay in school. Mentoring in Schools and supports welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments, high school completion and positive mental health. If your school is not utilizing mentoring as a …
Week 3 – Thank Your Mentor!
Sign-up for our newsletter and keep up to date! This week is THANK YOUR MENTOR WEEK and we celebrate the impact that mentors make on young people throughout society and we also pause and reflect on the important role that mentors have played in our own lives. Who helped you before you were you? We also want to share with …
#MentoringMonth Week 2 – Start Mentoring!
This week the theme is START MENTORING! Last week you learned about how effective and impactful mentoring is across our lives. This week is focused on signing up as many new mentors as possible: Try our mentor nomination form and nominate a friend or co-worker? First things first: we need your help in amplifying #mentoringmonth to your volunteers, staff, and …
Happy New Year! This year we are celebrating the start of 2017 with the unveiling of #MENTORING MONTH. Wherever you are in Alberta, there is a young person who could use a mentor from someone like you. We know the two greatest volunteer and program recruitment opportunities are in September and January. Building on the great work done by MENTOR, …