This week is the end of #MentoringMonth, but for many, it’s just the beginning of a new mentoring journey. Here’s how you can keep in touch and step up your mentoring game all year long:
If you are not already, consider a no-fee partnership in the AMP for your agency or school. Whether your organization provides mentoring services or has resources to share, become a partner and join a network of organizations committed to advancing mentorship in Alberta.
Consider subscribing to our social media:
- Twitter:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- Youtube:
- MentoringMinute Podcast:
Have you seen our #MentoringMonth Resources of the Day?
Throughout the month we have shared a ton of Alberta Mentoring Partnership resources for your mentoring organizations and mentors. Check out the resources of the day here.
Metric of the Week
- Last week we had 3533 Page views to #MentoringMonth
- We had 91 new Facebook Page Likes – Have you liked our page?
- We had 20 new followers on Twitter – Follow us on Twitter!
- We had 21 new Mentor Referrals – Sign-up today!
Have you Nominated a Friend to mentor? – It’s Easy, Click Here!