Funding Policies and the Nonprofit Sector in Western Canada – Featuring the AMP Ch. 6

The Alberta Mentoring Partnership is featured in the Funding Policies and the non Profits Sector in Western Canada book authored by Peter R. Elson, a senior research fellow at the Institute for Community Prosperity at Mount Royal University and an adjunct assistant professor in the School of Public Administration at the University of Victoria. Visit to learn more. About: …

Welcome AMP's New Partnership Engagement Manager

Michael Janz is excited to join the Alberta Mentoring Partnership team as our new Partnership Engagement Manager. Michael has extensive experience in public policy, education, and mentoring. He is passionate about public education and continues to serve as Board Chair of the Edmonton Public School Board in his second term as elected trustee (2010-2017). Prior to holding elected office, Michael …

The Alberta Teen Mentoring Toolkit

Visit the toolkit now! Download and Share the One Page Toolkit Overview & Promotional Postcard What is the Teen Mentoring Toolkit? The Teen Mentoring Toolkit is a no-cost online resource that provides schools and community agencies with the opportunity to build or enhance quality mentoring programs. Teen Mentoring engages junior and high school aged youth as mentors to younger students …

Mentoring is Good for Business

It is said that employees who mentor can build their business acumen through the management and development of talent and improving their own communication skills; according to a recent article titled How Mentoring Builds Business Insight posted to by Deborah K. Holmes. The article was written during the National Volunteer Week in April 2015 and was to showcase how businesses can …

The Benefits of Mentoring on Health

The Mentoring Effect on Health is a document created by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada, which highlights that mentoring is beneficial through several broader health outcomes. This improves overall health in ways such as highlighted by the WHO constitution, who say that health is a combination of factors, such as our physical, mental and social well-being. A part of Health Canada’s mandate …

Out of School Time Conference – Edmonton AB June 2015

Inspiring Creativity: Out of School Time Conference SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 2015 INFORMATIVE AND PRACTICAL SESSIONS TO BUILD STAFF/ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY FOR SUMMER PROGRAMMING This conference is for people who work with children and youth in out-of-school programming that might not otherwise have access to professional development. It is a fun way to share stories from the field, build practice, gain new …

Happy Holidays 2014

Here at the Alberta Mentoring Partnership we would like to wish everyone a warm and happy holidays this year!

The Importance of Mentors in the Lives of Youth in Care

On November 7, 2014, representatives and friends of the Alberta Mentoring Partnership’s Youth in Care and Mentoring Committee attended the Alberta Foster Parent Association 41st Annual Conference in Jasper to present on the importance of mentoring in the lives of youth in care. Representing a cross section of service providers, mentors and youth in care, the panel shared their experiences …

AMP Honoured with the 2014 Heroes of a Safe & Caring World Collective Impact Award

The Alberta Mentoring Partnership was recently recognized at the Society for Safe and Caring Schools & Communities annual “Creating Safe Spaces” breakfast. AMP was honoured with a Heroes of a Safe & Caring World Collective Impact Award in recognition of its work to create safe, caring, healthy and inclusive schools and communities. The whole AMP is thankful to Safe & Caring for …