Webinar Video The High School Mentoring Activity Book is the result of multi-year pilot by Advanced Education, in partnership with Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton Area, and supported by Alberta Education. This activity book is designed to be used with the High School Teen Mentoring Handbook, which can be downloaded as a PDF file at: …
WEBINAR: Online Mentor Training 101: Unveiling the Revised AMP Online Mentor Training
WEBINAR RECORDING: Over 10,000 Alberta mentors have been trained using the Alberta Mentoring Partnership’s Online Mentor Training over the last 5 years. Now, the training has been refreshed and revised taking into account new developments in brain science and adolescent development and has integrated the feedback from front-line mentoring practitioners in schools and community agencies. Learn all about what the …
The Revised Online Orientation for Mentors is Now Available!
The Revised Online Orientation for Mentors is Now Available! The revised AMP Online Mentor training is a one hour, online course that prepares a new volunteer to start their journey as a Mentor. As a general practice, many mentoring programs require all of their volunteers who work with youth whether they are in one-on-one relationships or not through this training. …