#MENTORINGMONTH IN THE NEWS When mentoring is in the news anywhere, it helps make the case for mentoring everywhere. As #mentoringmonth draws to a close, help us reach 100 positive mentoring stories. Here are four that we’ve captured so far. It’s not too late! Did we miss yours? Big Brothers Big Sisters in need of volunteers: Medicine Hat News (January …
How many coins can you catch? #MentoringMonth
There is a young person waiting for a caring mentor like you 👈 Ready to explore mentoring opportunities in your community? Click to learn more: https://albertamentors.ca/mentoring-month/ #MentoringMonth
INTERNATIONAL MENTORING DAY – January 17th – Let’s Celebrate!
Today, all over the world, mentoring programs are celebrating the difference that a caring adult makes in the lives of a young person. Join us on social media at #MentoringMonth
“I had learned a lot about myself, (and) developed skills for working with kids…” (#MentoringMonth Profile)
Welcome to #MentoringMonth 2019 — This year, the AMP is profiling mentoring needs and stories from throughout Alberta. Looking to become a mentor? Search for mentoring programs all over Alberta. Sean, 18 years old “I participated in the Vermilion Outreach School’s mentorship program last year. When I joined the program I wasn’t expecting much from it, but by the end …
My mentee has a great sense of humour…I would suggest others try mentoring (#MentoringMonth Profile)
Welcome to #MentoringMonth 2019 — This year, the AMP is profiling mentoring needs and stories from throughout Alberta. Looking to become a mentor? Search for mentoring programs all over Alberta. Brandon, 18 years old “I was interested in mentoring little kids because it makes me feel good. In the future I want to be a nurse and specialize in pediatrics …
Be That Special Person. Be a Mentor (#MentoringMonth Profile)
Welcome to #MentoringMonth 2019 — This year, the AMP is profiling mentoring needs and stories from throughout Alberta. Looking to become a mentor? Search for mentoring programs all over Alberta. It was not that long ago when we heard the story of a young person who was graduating from postsecondary who wished they had a mentor in their life growing …
The return you get from developing a friendship with a young person…it is a priceless thing (#MentoringMonth Profile)
Welcome to #MentoringMonth 2019 — This year, the AMP is profiling mentoring needs and stories from throughout Alberta. Looking to become a mentor? Search for mentoring programs all over Alberta. Mentor Profile – Jolene “Professionally, I have been involved with the agency for 11 years. Being named media partner of the year for BBBS in 2010 was such a wonderful …
Two Siblings Looking for a Mentor (#MentoringMonth Profile)
Welcome to #MentoringMonth 2019 — This year, the AMP is profiling mentoring needs and stories from throughout Alberta. Looking to become a mentor? Search for mentoring programs all over Alberta. Today we are highlighting two siblings in the Parkland County area who are looking for Bigs to enjoy a friendship with. These two lovely kiddo’s live with their dad and …
January 2019 is #MentoringMonth
Start the mentoring journey with this special video. Please like and share and help a friend make 2019 the year they become a mentor! The Alberta Mentoring Partnership presents #MentoringMonth in January 2019 to celebrate and raise awareness of mentoring across the province. Get involved by becoming a caring mentor to a child in need, learning about mentoring resources and …