January 2019 is #MentoringMonth

Start the mentoring journey with this special video. Please like and share and help a friend make 2019 the year they become a mentor!

The Alberta Mentoring Partnership presents #MentoringMonth in January 2019 to celebrate and raise awareness of mentoring across the province. Get involved by becoming a caring mentor to a child in need, learning about mentoring resources and training, and growing mentoring programs across Alberta.

Start 2019 by changing a young person’s life. Become a mentor.

Mentoring is a powerful way of lending support to a young person by teaching skills, listening to their perspectives and creating a sense of belonging. Spending time with a young person may seem simple, but science tells us that healthy interactions with supportive adults can boost children’s brain development, mental health, and well-being. Learn more.

It doesn’t take any special skills to be a mentor. If you find yourself reading this, you already have what it takes: an interest in making a difference in the life of a child. Whether you want to volunteer once a week or once a month, there are many mentoring opportunities that fit your schedule.

Share the above video on social media and help us spread the word!
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#MentoringMonth Key Dates

Throughout Mentoring Month there are special days that you can participate in to help create the buzz around the need for mentors throughout Alberta.

We Want Your Participation on the Following Days:

I am a Mentor Day

January 4th: I Am a Mentor Day

  • A day for volunteer mentors to celebrate their role and reflect on the ways mentees have enhanced their world.

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I am a proud #MentoringMonth supporter! I hope you’ll also become a mentor this #MentoringMonth https://albertamentors.ca/mentoring-month/#start

International Mentoring Day

January 17th, 2019: International Mentoring Day

  • A day of international conversations on social media where photos, video, and powerful mentoring stories messages are shared.

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This #MentoringMonth, you can be the difference a young person needs to succeed. Become a mentor today: https://albertamentors.ca/mentoring-month/#start #MentorDay #StartMentoring @AlbertaMentors

#ThankYourMentor and Celebration!

Janaury 27th-31st: During this week, take the time to #ThankYourMentor and encourage others to do the same.

January 31st, 2019: This day concludes the #ThankYourMentor campaign! Anyone with real life mentoring experiences can thank those who helped them on their path to adulthood and beyond.

Can We Help Promote Your Content?

Do you have a mentoring champion in your agency or a star volunteer you want to profile? Send us your photos and content and will will push it out during #MentoringMonth.

You can contact us at mentor.support@albertamentors.ca