Online Mentor Training 101 Unveiling the NEW AMP Online Mentor Training
Over 10,000 Alberta mentors have been trained using the Alberta Mentoring Partnership’s Online Mentor Training over the last 5 years. Now, the training has been refreshed and revised taking into account new developments in brain science and adolescent development and has integrated the feedback from front-line mentoring practitioners in schools and community agencies.
Learn all about what the training entails, get started using the Online Mentor Training with your organization, or simply try it out today. Join us for a short session introducing this new training as we give you an overview and answer all of your questions.
- Individuals interested in formal or informal mentors in individual, group, or school settings.
- Mentoring agencies to train or refresh mentors and manage expectations of new applicants
- Youth-serving organizations and schools interested in building leadership and relationship skills
- As a screening activity for individuals interested in evaluating if mentoring is right for them
View the Recording
You can view the other webinar recordings here
Other Resources
- Learn more about the Online Orientation for Mentors: https://albertamentors.ca/mentorship-training/
- Become a Partner of the Alberta Mentoring Partnership: https://albertamentors.ca/partner
- AMP YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1jzKjk121I6JjmvwOpPQow
- Visit the Alberta Mentoring Partnership – https://albertamentors.ca
1) How to Subscribe (and leave us a review!)
2) How to listen at your computer:
3) Credits
Learn more at albertamentors.ca
Background Music: www.bensound.com