The Alberta Mentoring Partnership is excited to share a new resource, the Sexual and Gender Diverse (SGD) Youth Mentoring Program Guide. We are excited to share this resource with you and have secured two special guests, Amy Jeske (Mentoring Manager) and Alexandra Jansen (Match Facilitator), Boys and Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton.
There is a growing awareness that Sexual and Gender Diverse in-person mentoring relationships can serve an essential role for SGD youth, as they would be well-positioned to offer ongoing support to the needs of youth as they navigate through phases of exploring, accepting, and sharing their identity with others. Given that SGD youth face unique challenges, and there is a strong belief that mentors can help them positively navigate these challenges, many organizations have started taking an interest in developing new programs or improving existing programming to address the unique needs of SGD youth. This guide was created by BGCBigs (Boys & Girls Clubs and Big Brothers Big Sisters) Edmonton as a resource for the Alberta Mentoring Partnership. However, the guide can be a reference for youth and community organizations in Alberta and Canada who are interested in this topic.
The guide contains recommendations and best practices for working with SGD youth and highlights program design considerations. The program design elements in this manual could be tailored for use in existing mentorship programs that wish to serve SGD youth more effectively or could provide the basis for standalone mentorship programs principally focused on SGD youth and mentors.
With Thanks and support to the: The Pride Center of Edmonton, Government of Alberta, BGCBigs, SGD working group, BBBS Calgary, BBBS Winnipeg, and MENTOR.
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