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We know mentoring in schools makes and enormous contribution to student achievement, academic persistence, positive health outcomes and much more. But how do you get a program started in your school? What resources are available to you in your work? How can you as a volunteer or citizen get involved in a school, even if you don’t have kids? We brought onto our show Principal Caroline Missel from Alberta Education to give us the scoop on mentoring and why it is pivotal that you get involved.
- Education Resources: https://albertamentors.ca/for-educators/
- Teen Mentoring Toolkit: https://albertamentors.ca/teen-mentoring
- Register for the National Mentoring Symposium.: nmsevent.ca
- Not a Partner or Know of Someone who should? Partner up: info@albertamentors.ca or visits albertamentors.ca to learn more and apply as a partner. Visit Alberta Mentoring Partnership – https://albertamentors.ca
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Background Music: www.bensound.com