Are You Covered? Mentoring Program Insurance 101 With Doug Tweddle
All mentoring programs undertake substantial risk simply due to the nature of the services being provided. A program has a duty of care to its participants, and could be held liable if harm comes to a child, youth or volunteer as a result of accident, injury or abuse. As such, every mentoring program requires some sort of liability insurance.
Are you covered? In many cases, one of the partners working to deliver the program will have a comprehensive policy that covers the risks associated with that program.
Things to consider in your insurance coverage:
- Transporting mentees
- What activities are covered?
- Are volunteers covered?
- How are employees insured?
- How is fundraising covered? Does it require separate coverage
- Is the board or advisory group covered? Consider Directors and Officers liability coverage
- Consider coverage for crime, property damage, wrongful dismissal, tenants liability coverage
Depending on your partners and the scope and nature of your program you may want to carry a comprehensive insurance policy that minimizes liability for the organization as whole, board members, staff, volunteers and clients. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to
minimize risks through screening, training and on-going supervision and to seek legal or professional advice about sufficient coverage before you begin to implement your program. Call a reputable insurance agency to explore your insurance needs.
(*Note: This podcast is for informational purposes only. The Alberta Mentoring Partnership (AMP) does not endorse or have an insurance broker of choice and we encourage you to call a reputable insurance agency to explore your insurance needs.)
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Other Resources
- Start a Community-Based Mentoring Program Toolkit:
- Become a Partner of the Alberta Mentoring Partnership:
- AMP YouTube Channel –
- Visit the Alberta Mentoring Partnership –
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