Volunteer Airdrie Society
Website: Visit
Main Contact: info@volunteerairdrie.ca
Tel: (403) 993-5034
Address: P.O. Box 80024, Downtown RPO, Airdrie, AB, T4B 2V8
Volunteer Airdrie is the recognized volunteer center for the City of Airdrie and surrounding area of Rocky View County.
Volunteer Airdrie promotes and facilitates volunteerism through its programs.
Our vision is "A city where volunteering and community involvement are a chosen way of life."
Our mission is "to empower Airdrie residents to invest in themselves and their community through volunteerism."
Calgary & Area.
Program Description
- LEAD Youth Leadership & Volunteer Development Program - targeted to youth in Grades 7-12, this 12 week program teaches the fundamentals of leadership using fun activities and group discussion. In addition, the youth must perform a minimum of 20 hours of volunteering in the community.
- School Presentations - target to youth of all ages, Volunteer Airdrie partners with local schools to provide classroom presentations on volunteerism and why it is important for everyone.
- Volunteer App - Volunteer Airdrie provides a free online app to allow residents and non-profits to look for or post volunteer opportunities that meet their needs, interests, age and availability.
Areas of Focus
- Volunteer Centre Youth Development
Ages of Mentees
- 4-14
Special Populations
- Children/Youth in Care
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