Website: Visit
Main Contact:
Tel: (780) 853-3718
Address: 5102 46th street, VERMILION, AB, T9X 1G5
VIBE is one of 37 Mental Health Capacity Building in Schools Initiatives (MHCB). The projects are an integrated, multidisciplinary team approach providing promotion, prevention and early intervention addiction, health and mental health services to children, families and communities. The initiative led by Alberta Health Services Addiction and Mental Health in partnership with Alberta Education and funded by Alberta Health and Wellness. VIBE is based in the schools in Vermilion, Mannville, and Clandonald. The program provides outreach to Kitscoty Schools.
Alberta Central.
Program Description
VIBE coaches works with students from preschool to grade twelve. VIBE offers schools over 35 universal, mental wellness programs that school staff can deliver directly or co-facilitate with the VIBE Coach. VIBE also can provide various presentations to school on mental wellness topics. All programs are based on best practices. One of the programs that VIBE delivers with schools is a mentorship program where students in high school mentor younger students and earn credits. VIBE works with community partners to deliver programming as well. VIBE provides community members and school personnel training on various mental health topics and will provide school personnel the supports to deliver the VIBE programs.
Areas of Focus
- Peer mentoring
- Cross-age Mentoring
- E-mentoring
- In School Mentoring
- Formal
Ages of Children and Youth Served
- 0-24
Special Populations
- Girls/Women
- Boys/Men