The Society for Safe and Caring Schools & Communities
Website: Visit
Main Contact:
Tel: (780) 822-1500
Address: 11010-142 St NW, Edmonton, AB, T5N 2R1
The Society for Safe and Caring Schools & Communities (Safe and Caring) is a not-for-profit organization, which builds community capacity to prevent bullying, violence and exploitation of children and youth through the promotion of healthy relationships. Safe and Caring works to foster effective networks and partnerships to ensure that every child in Alberta has the opportunity to grow up in a caring and nurturing home, an engaging and supportive school, and a safe and inclusive community. Safe and Caring offers a wide variety of tools, resources and services including professional development opportunities, access to evidence-based programming, research, tipsheets, youth action guidebooks and much more.
Edmonton & Area.
Areas of Focus
- One to one
- Peer mentoring
- Group mentoring
Ages of Mentees
- 4-14
Special Populations
- Children/Youth in Care