Teen Mentoring in Schools Webinars
AMP Teen Mentoring Collaborative Community Webinar
January 19th, 2022
Webs of Support and Other Forms of Informal Mentoring
December 6th, 2021
When we hear the word ‘mentoring’ we often think of a structured one-to-one mentoring relationship supported by a mentoring organization. While this type of mentoring has many benefits there are also different ways to support our children and youth. This webinar will look at ways to build supportive relationships with youth and informal mentoring opportunities within schools and other youth serving organizations.
AMP Collaborative Community: North Cohort
November 16th, 2021
Mentoring in Schools 101
September 22nd, 2021
Canadian research has found girls who were mentored were 2 times less likely to be depressed; boys and girls were 2 times and 3 times, respectively, less likely to have social anxiety; girls & boys were 2 times less likely to exhibit conduct problems. During this webinar we will look at different forms of mentoring in schools, both formal and informal including intergenerational mentoring, teen mentoring, virtual mentoring, Career and Technology Studies credits and natural supports. Ideas for how to incorporate or enhance mentoring of all types in your school will be shared. Participants will learn about the Alberta Mentoring Partnership and the resources available to help support mentoring in schools.
Teen Mentoring Collaborative Community Cohort Webinar
April 12th, 2022
Teen Mentoring Webinar: Planning your Mentoring Initative
May 3rd, 2022
Thinking about starting a formal or informal mentoring initiative in your school? Are you with a community organization who supports or would like to support mentoring in schools? If so, this webinar is for you! Considerations and initial steps for planning and implementation will be shared including recruiting, training, and supporting mentors. There will be an opportunity to learn from and with others who are at different points in their 'mentoring in schools journey'.
AMP Collaboraitve Community: North Cohort
May 31st, 2022
AMP Summit 2021: Select Recordings
Peer-to-Peer Learning and Mentorship with Jack.org
Lindsay Currie, Jack.org Jack Talks Speaker.
In this breakout session, Lindsay will focus on the following topics: The importance of peer-to-peer learning and mentorship, and where to find it Lindsay’s experience with mentorship in the mental health space (including her work with Jack.org staff) Building on ones leadership skills in a virtual world
Bio: Lindsay Currie is a Registered Nurse who is passionate about mental health. Since experiencing mental health struggles and being diagnosed with a mental illness as a young teen, she has made it her mission to break barriers to accessing mental health services and call youth to action. When she is not taking care of patients at work, you can find her volunteering with her church, hanging out with her nephew, or going for a swim!
Coyote Pride Mentoring Program
Andrea Watchmaker, Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society
Coyote Pride Mentoring Program is an in-school “buddy” program for Indigenous children or youth or children and youth of Indigenous ancestry in elementary school in grades 4-6. The program is delivered through a group mentoring model where the children and youth come together with 4-5 mentors and learn about the Indigenous culture together. The mentors and mentees meet once a week over the lunch hour with the Program Coordinator facilitating and the Coordinator provides Indigenous teachings, activities, games, and crafts which is all hands-on learning. We also invite elders, knowledge keepers, to come and do Indigenous culture teachings. Mentors are recruited from the Indigenous community and can be post- secondary students, working professionals, or anyone who enjoys spending time with children and youth. The program is free and open to all children in grades 4-6 who want to learn about the Indigenous culture. Many of the children that participate have none or little knowledge of the Indigenous culture and they share what they have learned and appreciate what they have been taught. The mentors also share that the program brings them an increased pride and knowledge of the Indigenous culture.
Bio: Andrea Watchmaker Andrea Watchmaker is a Plains Cree from Kehewin Cree Nation, which is located Northeast of Edmonton, near Bonnyville, Alberta. She is proud of her Cree heritage and shares the teachings that she learned from her parents, late grandparents, and many elders and knowledge keepers. She left her nation after finishing high school to attend College for Early Childhood Development and later received her Diploma for Child and Youth Care from MacEwan University. She now resides in Edmonton and works as an Indigenous Programs Supervisor with Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society. And coordinates Children’s Indigenous Cultural Programs like Coyote Pride and Coyote Kids Weekly Program.
Power of Mentoring Events: Insights to Goals, Approaches, Impacts/Outcomes, and Examples
The Power of Mentoring Campaign is a series of virtual and in-person networking and skill- building experiences designed to support youth. MENTOR Canada partners with employee volunteers from the private sector to engage in career mentoring conversations with youth.
These unique events connect youth with mentors, prospective employers and the Canadian labour market. Indigenous youth gain an understanding of the practical job skills required to meet labour market demands, develop an awareness of the future of work, and learn how to access opportunities aligned to their academic, career and life goals.
Indigenous Power of Mentoring events have been designed to engage Indigenous youth in meaningful career conversations that honour and integrate Indigenous culture and focus on expanding networks, enhancing employment skills and increasing access to job opportunities for Indigenous youth.
MENTOR Canada will provide an overview of these events, how they have intentionally developed Power of Mentoring for Indigenous youth, and how educators and schools can get their youth involved.
Indigenous Youth Mentorship Program: Supporting Healthy Indigenous School Communities
Andrea Dion and Cassie Flett
Join Ever Active Schools to learn more about IYMP, an after-school healthy living program delivered by Indigenous high school students for elementary school children Co-developed with Indigenous youth, educators, and researchers, IYMP promotes well-being, resiliency, and overall positive mental health, including Mino-Bimaadiziwin/Mino-Pimâtisiwin (“living in a good way”).
Bios: Andrea Dion, Omiyowapikwaniy Iskwew (Beautiful Flowering Woman) is a strong Cree woman from Maskwacisis working as a Health and Wellness Consultant with Resilient Schools in Treaty 6 and 7. Cassie Flett is Cree/Métis born and raised in Gift Lake Métis Settlement. She works as a Health and Wellness Consultant with Resilient Schools in Treaty 8.
“We acknowledge that we are on and support Mentoring for Youth in the traditional territories across Alberta of the many First Nations from Treaty 6,7,& 8, the Métis of the 8 Alberta Settlements, and Inuit people whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries.”