
Sagitawa Friendship Society

Website: N/A
Main Contact:
Tel: (780) 624-2443
Address: P.O Box 5083, Peace River, AB, T8S 1R7


The Sagitawa Friendship Centre envisions a community that respects and accepts all people while promoting the enhancement of the quality of life of the people of Peace River through culturally based programs and services as guided.


Alberta North.

Program Description

With our Ground Level Youth Center and in partnership with local community agencies and service providers, The Sagitawa Friendship Society will provide opportunities and programs that assist the people of the community to feel valued, supported, and capable of reaching their full potential.

Areas of Focus

  •  One to one
  • Informal
  • Formal
  • Community based

Ages of Children and Youth Served

  • 5-24

Special Populations

  • Children/Youth in Care
  • Aboriginal Children/Youth
  • Children/Youth with a Disability
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