Date Recorded: June 21st, 2021
Bent Arrow’s Coyote Pride Program, Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters Edmonton and Area, Big Brothers Big Sisters Calgary and area, and AMP have come together to bring awareness to Indigenous Mentoring!
Mentoring organizations throughout Alberta are currently looking for Indigenous and non-Indigenous Mentors to mentor an Indigenous child or youth.
There are over 50 children and youth currently on waitlists (in Edmonton and Calgary at our Youth-serving agencies) who have said they are hoping for an Indigenous mentor to be matched with them. Some have been waiting for over 2 years!
There are also in-school mentoring opportunities, like with Bent Arrow’s Coyote Pride Program where Indigenous and non-Indigenousadults and/or older children can mentor younger Indigenous children. Families can mentor together and support
Indigenous Youth in their community.
Our Indigenous Youth need mentors, Indigenous and non-Indigenous. Research shows that mentored Youth are more likely to develop resiliency, achieve success in education, work, and make positive life choices. Let’s lift our Youth up by mentoring them!