We are pleased to highlight the Concurrent Workshops presented at the National Mentoring Symposium in November 2013. Slides from these great workshops can be found in the AMP Research Portal here.
Workshops include:
- The Wellness, Resiliency and Partnership Project – Using a Success Coach Mentoring Model to Support Junior and Senior High School Students with FASD
- Social Media: Blogs, Tweets and Friends: Effective Mentoring in the Age of Social Media
- Communities Take Action and Girls Take Charge: Community-Based Approaches to Girls Group Mentoring in Canada
- Working to Make It Work: Family Involvement in Youth Mentoring
- From High School to Post-Secondary; Building Mentoring Programs in Our Schools
- Serving Target Populations Through Partnership
- Between Data and Decision: Translating Research into Program Improvements and Innovations
- Leading Social Change
- BBBS Social Return on Investment Study Discussion Document
- Mentoring Relationships & Gender: Theory, Research, & Practice
- Correlates of Entering and Leaving Big Brothers Big Sisters Community Mentoring Relationships
- Mentoring High-Risk Youth in Diverse Priority Urban Neighbourhoods Across Canada: Putting the “Unity” Back into Community
Visit the official National Mentoring Symposium Website