Police Information Checks: Proposed Policy Changes
The Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations provides an informative summary of the planned changes around fingerprinting requirements and processes for Police Information Checks, which will have an impact on many of the organizations involved in mentoring in Canada. View the summary here: http://www.calgarycvo.org/police-information-checks-proposed-policy-changes/
Non-Profit Compensation, Recruitment & Retention
The Alberta Association of Services for Children and Families recently released a bulletin with compensation, recruitment and retention resources, upcoming and ongoing related training and hiring subsidies, grants and incentives applicable to Alberta non-profit human service agencies. View the bulletin here: http://mailout.jamesmurgatroyd.com/t/ViewEmail/y/CDF2AA63DCB966F7
The Society for Safe and Caring Schools & Communities: HEROES Award
The HEROES of a Safe and Caring World Award (HEROES Award) recognizes individuals and organizations who demonstrate a commitment to creating safe, caring, healthy and inclusive schools and communities. Anyone is eligible for nomination – children, youth, teachers, adults, schools, community organizations, government representatives and businesses.
Submission Deadline: November 3, 2014
For more information, visit: http://safeandcaring.ca/heroes-safe-caring-world-award/
The Canadian Safe School Network: The Safe Stories Contest
The Canadian Safe School Network invites students from across the country to participate in the first ever Safe Schools Story Contest. They are calling for submissions from students in grades 4 to 8 to write about important issues happening in their schools:
Submission Deadline: December 1, 2014
For more information, visit: http://canadiansafeschools.com/the-safe-schools-story-contest/
Documentary: Through My Eyes
The City of Edmonton Youth Council (CEYC), along with the City of Edmonton and Lonely Tom Productions, invites you to attend the premiere of a hard-hitting documentary film. Through My Eyes is a film and collaborative initiative created by 17 year old Director Rohan Nuttall and 19 year old Producer Akash Sherman, about at-risk youth, and provides a street-level view of a social issue told from a unique perspective. View the trailer here: www.edmonton.ca/throughmyeyes