National Volunteer Week April 6-12, 2014 – #volunteerville

National Volunteer Week #volunteerville - Alberta Mentoring Partnership

National Volunteer Week is a time to recognize, celebrate and thank Canada’s 13.3 million volunteers. 2014 is the 11th consecutive year that Volunteer Canada has delivered the NVW campaign. (
Volunteerville ( – #volunteerville) is a new initiative that was launched by Volunteer Alberta this April 2014 to the volunteers across Alberta, so that they can share their experiences as they happen. Volunteer Alberta is a nonprofit organization that works to promote, celebrate and enable volunteerism in Alberta. The goal of Volunteerville is to create powerful narratives about volunteering in the province of Alberta. Through collecting these narratives, the impact and importance of volunteers starts to take shape. Even though #Volunteerville is being launched during the National Volunteer Week (April 6-12, 2014), the celebration will continue year round and you will be able to participate any day of the week and any month of the year (

The Alberta Mentoring Partnership would like to help make volunteering go viral and remind everyone that to be a mentor, you don’t need superhuman qualities. Just human ones.

Share your volunteer / mentoring  stories on Twitter or Instagram via the hashtag #volunteerville to help celebrate volunteer experiences. As you share your stories and photos, they will appear automatically on the Volunteerville homepage.

Tweets about #volunteerville & National Volunteer Week