
Junior Achievement Northern Alberta & NWT

Website: Visit
Main Contact:
Tel: (780) 983-3861
Address: 870, 10150 100 Street, Edmonton, AB, T5J-0P6


Junior Achievement Northern Alberta & NWT provides free programs to youth in Grades 3-12 about entrepreneurship, work readiness and financial literacy. We are a non-profit that partners with the business community, educators and volunteers to help young people to dream big and reach their potential. Our programs are half day in-class, or explore the 18 week after school "Company Program". Volunteers bring the real world into the programming. All our programs are free and compliment and enhance Alberta Education curriculum.


Alberta North.

Program Description

Grade 5 - More than Money - Volunteer led
Grade 6 - Our Business World - Volunteer led
Grade 7 - Stronger Together: Diversity in Action - Volunteer led
Grade 8 - Dollars with Sense - Volunteer led
Grade 9 - Economics for Success - Volunteer led
Grades 9 -12 - Company Program - Volunteer led after school
World of Choices - Speakers from different careers present at this world of work exploration event

Areas of Focus

  •  Group mentoring
  • E-mentoring
  • In School Mentoring
  • Formal

Ages of Mentees

  • 5-18

Special Populations

  • Children/Youth in Care
  • Aboriginal Children/Youth
  • Girls/Women
  • Boys/Men
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