iHuman Youth Society

Website: Visit
Main Contact: info@ihuman.org
Tel: (780) 421-8811
Address: 9635 102A Ave, Edmonton, Alberta T5H-0G3


Since its inception in 1997, iHuman has believed in the transformational power of the arts.

As a leading nonprofit organization dedicated to altering the trajectory of high-risk youth through arts programs, art therapy, and artistic mentorship, iHuman has succeeded in creating a holistic sanctuary that fosters growth, creativity, and resilience.


Edmonton & Area.

Program Description

ISUCCEED : New iHuman youth artist registration and referrals to internal services along with facilitation of basic needs which include:
Showers and laundry facilities, Donation closet (clothing, hygiene products, toiletries), Bus passes and tickets are available pending conditions. The following services fall under iSucceed:

Outreach - Young people can register with iHuman to access support and programs. With the assistance of Outreach workers, an individualized plan is created for every young person who walks through our doors. Providing guidance beyond creative arts plays a crucial role in building a foundational system of trust and care.

LiNKS Mental Health Clinic - offers mental health supports and arts focused programming grounded in trauma Informed Care.

Soul Food Kitchen-Nourishing meals are prepared daily so that every youth that comes through our doors can get something to eat.

Woven Journey: tailored to young, indigenous mothers who can benefit from support systems and are impacted by intergenerational trauma and the ongoing effects of colonization. The group meets group meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 1 to 5 pm, providing opportunities for mothers to connect, take a break, let their kids play, and learn within a safe environment.

IHUMAN ART STUDIOS: iHuman provides many types of arts programming. With the mentorship from staff and volunteers, daily program spaces are a place where iHuman young artists can discover , explore and express their creativity:

Visual Art - iHuman provides young artists with donated supplies to create all forms of visual art. We even have an indoor spray paint booth!
We partner with local businesses and organizations to have young artists’ works displayed around the city.

Music- iHuman offers opportunities for young artists to learn and create music of all kinds, both on their own and with mentorship from staff and volunteers. We have a fully functioning recording studio where young artists can make their own radio-quality recordings of the music they write or perform. Instruments are available for young artists to learn and practice. Through partnerships with other organizations and businesses, performance opportunities are available at in-house shows and community venues.

Fashion - iHuman’s fashion studio is a place where young artists can learn to design and sew garments, accessories, and more. Both domestic and industrial sewing machines are available for use. Beading is also available through the fashion studio. Young artists can showcase their creations in live fashion shows and professional photo shoots.

Performance Art - iHuman’s open theatre space is suitable for all types of performance art. From acting and plays, to poetry and spoken word, young artists can shine on our stage. Performance opportunities are available at in-house shows and community venues through partnerships with other organizations and businesses.

Areas of Focus

  • We offer a variety of mentorship opportunities and programs, depending on the youth. Programs are tailored to meet the youth where they are at.

Special Populations

  • Children/Youth in Care

Ages of Children and Youth Served

  • 11-15
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