
Greenwood Neighbourhood Place Society/Sundre FCSS

Website: Visit
Main Contact:
Tel: (403) 638-1011
Address: Box 1846 #5, 96-2nd Avenue NW Sundre, AB, T0M-1X0


Greenwood Neighbourhood Place Society (G.N.P.) is operating the Sundre Resource Centre. Knowing where to start is the very first step when addressing social issues. Our mission is to provide easy access to a network of community and social supports. Referrals to information and resources are provided by email, phone, and in person. G.N.P.’s staff provide confidential and personalized information, referring to mental health professionals, directing to subsidies and housing, foodbanks, income supports, transportation options, government agencies, learning opportunities, and many local community services. Greenwood Neighbourhood Place administers Sundre FCSS and offers direct programs that bring people together of all ages, gender, ability and financial background for inclusion into an active community life. Other programs and services under the umbrella of GNP: Sundre Community Garden, Rural Mental Health Project, Sundre Santa's, Sundre Continuing Ed, Sundre and Area Seniors Connections, Youth Enrichment Project(Y.E.P), Volunteer and Newcomers Services.


Alberta Central.

Program Description

Preventative and positive support programs delivered to youth include: Kids in the Kitchen, Home Alone, Small Hoops with RCMP, Safe Kids, PD and Summer Day camps, Friends Fun Fitness, Tools for School, Circus Camps, Girls Rock, Youth Community Helpers Training, Adulting 101*new(name TBA), Youth Centre(name TBA 2021)
GNP’s Sundre and Area Social Needs Assessment conducted in 2021 reveals “resources for youth” and concerns around “mental health” are priority issues. Youth Focus
groups were held and participants from Grade 7 – 12 echo’ d this need. In response, a Youth Centre initiative is under way to create more connections and mentorship opportunities in this rural community.

Areas of Focus

  • One to one
  • Peer Mentoring
  • Cross-age Mentoring
  • Informal

Ages of Mentees

  • 11-18
Partner Profile Change Request Form