Family and Community Support Services Athabasca County

Website: Visit
Main Contact:
Tel: (780) 675-2623
Address: 3598-48Ave, Athabasca, AB, T9S 1T9


Family & Community Support Services is a non-profit, charitable organization that provides a wide range of programs designed to support family and community wellness.  Athabasca FCSS programs focus on maintaining or enhancing positive family and community functioning.  Programs offered:  Community programming, Parent Link Centre, Early Childhood Development, Meals on Wheels, Seniors Advocate, Family/School Liaison Program, Early Intervention Program, Families Matter Program.


Alberta North.

Program Description

The Athabasca Mentorship program began in 2001 partnering with FCSS, Whispering Hills Primary School, Landing Trail Intermediate School, Alberta Health Services: Community Health and Addiction Services, Child and Health Services.  The mentorship program was launched in 2002 with mentors meeting with their mentees at WHPS: Grade 3’s and LTIS Grade 4’s.
The Athabasca Mentorship program is a friendship exchange between trained and screened adult volunteers (mentors) and children (mentees).  The role of a mentor is to be a friend that a child can count on and look forward to seeing.  Mentors share one hour a week in the school, over the lunch hour eating lunch together, playing games, engaging in sports, drawing, crafts, reading, baking or just talking.  Mentors provide encouragement with studies, as well, by showing admiration and interest in school work.  Mentors provide support that help children feel valued which contributes to the importance of who they are as individuals.
One hour a week is a small commitment, but it has proven it can make a difference.

Areas of Focus

  • One to one
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