Edmonton Inner City Children’s Project Society

Website: Visit
Main Contact: danielle.m@iccp.ca
Tel: (780) 729-3244
Address: 9321 Jasper Ave, Edmonton, AB, T5H 3T7


Edmonton Inner City Children's Program (Legal name: Edmonton Inner City Children's Society) provides quality recreational and educational programming for the children of the Boyle Street/McCauley community. We are committed to providing programs within their own schools partnering with Norwood Elementary and Mother Teresa Elementary school. Our programs include morning programs with breakfast, two after-school programs, a music program, a Young Chef's program and Spring and Summer Camps. We offer programming to over 300 children in Edmonton's Inner City and are continuously trying to offer programming to more children.


Edmonton & Area.

Program Description

Recognizing the need for supervised, skill-building programming in the inner-city community, we have partnered with local schools and other organizations to provide an variety of programs and services. By focusing on asset-building and skill-enhancing activities we are helping to build a strength and resiliency in our children that will aid them in becoming strong, independent adults.
Our programs allow inner-city children to play in a safe and supportive environment that promotes healthy alternatives and diversity of experience. They promote structure and clear limits, positive interaction with peers and adults, physical activity, creative expression, achievement, cooperation, health awareness, conflict resolution, and a variety of other skills.

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