Cold Lake and District FCSS
Website: Visit
Main Contact:
Tel: (780) 594-4495
Address: 5113 48 Ave, Cold Lake, AB, T9M 1A1
We serve all people who live in the City of Cold Lake and the Municipal District of Bonnyville wards 5 and 6.
Alberta North.
Program Description
We provide locally driven, preventative social programs that aim to build individual, family and community resiliency and connectedness.
Some of the programs that we offer in partnership with the Cold Lake Family Resource Centre include youth life skills programs (cooking, Home Alone, managing emotions) and youth volunteer opportunities
Areas of Focus
- In School Mentoring
Ages of Mentees
- 0-18
Special Populations
- Children/Youth in Care
- Aboriginal Children/Youth
- Children/Youth with a Disability
- Sexual Minority Children/Youth
- Girls/Women
- Boys/Men
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