Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lacombe and District
Website: Visit
Main Contact:
Tel: (403) 782-7870
Address: 5102 - 50th Avenue, Lacombe, AB, T4L 1K6
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lacombe and District offers a variety of year-round mentoring programs for children and youth ages six to 18 and often involves high school students who can gain credit by leading programs. Programs offered are the One-to-One match, After-School Program, Summer Adventure Program, and In-School Mentoring Program. All sessions include an educational component and fun activities for participants. Their After-School Mentor Program runs September through June five days a week. Each session is theme based and includes homework and tutoring help, recreation, art and crafts, interactive free play, personal health and wellness, field trips and more. Mentors in this program are high school students. The Big Bunch program, a weekly group session encouraging fun activities and fellowship for young people that are waiting for a successful match, helps to bridge the gap between the time that a young person goes on the waiting list and the time in which a match is found.
Alberta Central.
Program Description
- Go Girls!
- A ten week group mentoring program for girls in Grades 7 and 8, designed to address their physical activity, balanced eating and positive self-image needs.
- Kids & Kops
- This one week summer day camp program brings together local police officers with youth aged 9 to 12. Activities focus on many aspects of police work, safety, self-esteem building, games, crafts, community speakers and having fun.
- Big Bunch
- Young people on the wait list for a Big Brother or Big Sister, as well as Big Brother and Big Sister matches, participate in a fun group activity twice a month. Staff and matched mentors facilitate the activities.
- In School Mentoring
- Volunteer mentors are matched with young people in elementary and junior high schools. This program takes place at the child’s school, during the school year. The match spends one hour per week together doing fun activities and building a friendship.
- Couples For Kids
- Adult volunteer couples are matched with young people from ages 6 to 16. They spend quality one-to-one time together in the community doing fun activities of their choice for about three hours, three times a month, for a minimum of a year.
- Big Brothers and Big Sisters
- Adult volunteer mentors are matched with young people from ages 6 to 16. They spend quality one-to-one time together in the community doing fun activities of their choice for about three hours, three times a month, for a minimum of a year.