Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grande Prairie & Area
Website: Visit
Main Contact:
Tel: (780) 532-0620
Address: #104 10001 100 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB, T8V 0V2
Our Goal: Every child who needs a mentor has a mentor.
BBBSGP is a non profit organization serving Grande Prairie and Area for over 15 years.
We believe every child should have the opportunity to reach his or her full potential both as individuals and citizens – that by doing so they will not only do well they will also do good. Serving as role models our mentors teach by example the importance of giving and giving back of staying in school and of having respect for family peers and community.
Each time we pair a child with a mentor or introduce a group of students to an in-school program we start something incredible – a life-changing relationship built on friendship trust and empowerment.
Alberta North.
Program Description
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grande Prairie & Area is currently offering mentoring programs for children ages 6 to 18 in a variety of programs:
Traditional Big Brothers Big Sisters Program
The Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring program provides children and youth ages 6-17 with a role model and a friend to talk to and share the experiences of growing up. Through regular outings, a relationship is developed between the mentor and the mentee, that is built on trust and common interests, and is supported by our experienced case-workers. The result is a life-changing experience for both the mentor and the mentee. The time commitment requires weekly scheduled outings of a 2-5 hours each and a minimum of a 1 year commitment.
Couples for Kids
Adult volunteer couples are matched with young people from ages 6 to 18. They spend quality one-to-one time together in the community doing fun activities of their choice for 2-5 hours a week for a minimum of a year.
In-School Mentoring Program
The In School Mentoring program provides girls and boys with a role model and a friend to talk to and share the experiences of growing up, within school grounds. For one hour a week, mentors meet with their mentee and engage in activities such as board games, crafts or hanging out in the playground. The In School Mentoring program requires a weekly visit of 1 hour for the duration of the school year. Matches do not meet over the summer break or during other school holidays.
Go Girls!
Go Girls! is a group mentoring program for girls ages 12-14 that focuses on physical activity, balanced eating and self-esteem. The single, most important goal of the program is to positively shape the lives of young women and girls by helping them build a positive self-image – setting them on a path to reach their full potential in life. The Go Girls! program consists of 7 mentoring sessions, held over a 7-10 week period, after school within school facilities. Each 1.5-2 hour-long session is loosely structured around four themes: physical activity, healthy eating, self-esteem, and communication skills
Game On
Game On! is a group mentoring program for providing boys and young men with information and support to make informed choices about a range of healthy lifestyle practices. Through non-traditional physical activities, complemented with healthy eating support, participants are engaged in life skills, communication, and emotional health discussions designed to engage participants in the pursuit of life-long healthy lifestyles. Game On! includes seven 75-minute core sessions. There are also four extension modules that capture potential issues and topics specific to various locales and the interests of the mentors and participants.
Big Bunch
A group activity offered once a month to all children and youth in our programs. Big Brothers and Big Sisters are also invited to attend these fun filled exciting activities with their Littles.
Areas of Focus
- One to one
- Group Mentoring
Ages of Mentees
- 5-24