The Alberta Mentoring Partnership


Start 2024 by changing a young person's life

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What is Mentoring Month?

Wherever you are in Alberta, there is a young person who could use mentoring from someone like you. Building on the great work done by MENTOR, the National Mentoring Partnership in the United States, AMP also runs a province-wide push to celebrate and support mentoring.

Mentoring is a powerful way of lending support to a young person by teaching skills, listening to their perspectives, and creating a sense of belonging and connection. Spending time with a young person may seem simple, but science tells us that healthy interactions with supportive adults can boost children’s brain development, mental health, and well-being. Mentoring builds strong, resilient youth and strengthens communities.

Join AMP this January, in celebrating the many volunteers and staff that make mentoring a success. We look forward to strengthening mentorship in Alberta, in partnership with you!

Download the Press Release
Theme this Year:


Share the love this Mentoring Month to appreciate the people making the community a better place.

Use this form to highlight a match story, thank a mentor, share your own mentor/mentee experience

Important Dates:
  • January 11, I am a Mentor Day
  • January 17, International Mentor Day
  • January 27, Thank Your Mentor Day

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Why is Mentoring Important?

Mentoring is a powerful way of lending support to a young person by teaching skills, listening to their perspectives and creating a sense of belonging.

Research tells us that children need positive adult influences (like a mentor) in their lives. Children who engage with adults in developmentally supportive ways are:

  • more likely to achieve high academic performance
  • more likely to participate in extracurricular school activities
  • less likely to have behaviour problems in school
  • less likely to be bullied or victimized

Alberta’s success depends on all of our contributions to the well-being of children. Spending as little as an hour a week with a young person can make a difference to them and to Alberta’s future.

Research shows that being involved in a mentoring relationship has a positive impact on a young person’s school attendance, social skills, attitude, and behaviour with friends and family. Mentoring is also shown to play a role in preventing or reducing child/youth involvement in alcohol, drugs, and crime.

What are the Perks of Mentoring?

The entire province benefits from mentors’ involvement in the community and with our children.

  • Play an important role in helping tomorrow’s leaders to be better citizens.
  • Make your community a better place. Everyone benefits from a stronger Alberta, and your commitment will be your legacy.
  • Share life lessons and feel good about giving back and making a meaningful difference in the life of a young person.
  • Network with like-minded caring adults. Share experiences, resources, tools and advice with fellow mentors.
  • Add a meaningful experience to your life. Broaden your horizons outside of your work.
  • Enhance your work and personal life with transferable skills like better communication, organization, leadership, and problem solving.


Want to learn more about mentoring and receive AMP updates? Subscribe to our MentoringMinute newsletter!

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“We acknowledge that we are on and support Mentoring for Youth in the traditional territories across Alberta of the many First Nations from Treaty 6,7,& 8, the Métis of the 8 Alberta Settlements, and Inuit people whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries.”