MentoringMinute July 2018 | Looking for Free Mentoring Summer School?

AMP MentoringMinute Newsletter

Looking for Free Mentoring Summer School?

Looking to spice up your mentoring PD this summer? The AMP has a ton of resources to help you and your mentoring programs be the best they can be, including a Research Portal, informational webinars targeted to mentoring professionals, podcasts, mentoring program toolkits and much more:

Have a Mentoring topic you’d like discussed? Looking to learn more about the AMP? Get in touch with us at
AMP Mentoring Learning Day

Did you Miss Learning Day 2018?

While we didn’t host a National Mentoring Symposium in 2018, the Alberta Mentoring Partnership in conjunction with the Faculty of Extension (U of A) and the Community University Partnership were excited to host AMP Learning Day 2018! A learning day specifically themed around research, evaluation, and knowledge mobilization— with a focus on tangible, pragmatic tactics you can take home to make immediate program improvements and achieve better outcomes for youth.
If you missed Learning Day 2018, we now have a recording of each of the valuable learning sessions available on video over at Stay tuned, because we are also going to be rolling out individual Podcast episodes as well if you prefer to listen from the comfort of your car.
Interested in staying informed on future AMP Learning Day news? Then sign-up for the “Learning List” here.

Watch the Videos

important role of natural mentors

New research shows the important role of natural mentors for delinquency in youth

Our friends over at the Chronicle of Evidence-Based Mentoring have recently posted about the positive effects found in mentoring relationships have on with juvenile delinquency and that some characteristics of the mentoring relationship seem to matter the most.

Summarized by Renée Klein Schaarsberg 
Summary (reprinted from the Abstract): 
Research in the field of adolescent delinquency has, for some time now, shown a positive correlation between mentoring relationships and increased social capital, such as self-esteem, education, and employment achievements. Youth who have a mentor are also likely to have lower rates of some measures of problem behaviors. These findings, however, are complicated by factors such as type of mentor and characteristics of the mentoring relationship.  
 In this paper, we use life-course theory and the sociological construct of “mattering” derived from social learning theory, as frameworks for disentangling predictors of delinquency and the role of mentors.
Read more:


Our AMP Online Mentor Training has been used by over 10,000 mentors across Alberta since its inception. We have currently revised the training and are going to pilot a beta-version of this training. If you would like to try this new training, please email:
If you are a current user of our existing training, don’t worry, the current training will remain in place and you can continue your usage until the new training is fully operational.

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